Types of Reusable Nappy

Pocket Nappies

Pocket nappies have a waterproof layer and a non-absorbent fleece layer which are sewn together with an opening left to form the ‘pocket’ between the two layers; they have no absorbency built into them, so all absorbency must be added in the form of inserts
These are most suitable for daytime use

All-In-One Nappies (AIO)

AIOs have absorbent materials already attached to the waterproof layer, but more absorbency can be added to ‘boost’ them
They are most suitable for daytime use

Snap In One Nappies (SIO)

SIOs are slightly modified AIO nappies, where the inserts snap onto the waterproof layer
They are most suitable for daytime use

‘Hybrid’ Nappies

Hybrid nappies can be used with either disposable or reusable inserts
These are most suitable for daytime use, especially when on holiday, travelling or for day trips with disposable inserts

Fitted/Flat Nappies & Wraps

Fitted and flat nappies are completely absorbent and have no waterproof layer built in, so the whole nappy absorbs liquid. This means that they can hold more liquid overall, but require a separate wrap over the top to contain the liquid, hence why they are sometime called ‘two-parters’
These are usually used for newborns or as night nappies