
Before the loan

First you will need to get in touch with us via our Facebook page and a volunteer will get back to your as soon as possible

There are several kit types to choose from:

  • Newborn - in order to borrow a Newborn kit, we will need to know when your estimated due date (EDD) is
  • Birth to Potty - In order to borrow a BTP kit, we will need to know the weight of your baby (must be over 10lb to be added to a waiting list)
  • Night - in order to borrow a Night kit, we will need to know the weight of your baby to determine which size kit would be best
  • Toilet Support - in order to borrow a Toilet Support kit, we will need to know the weight of your baby to determine which size kit would be best
  • Premature Baby - in order to borrow a Premature Baby kit, we will need to know when your estimated due date (EDD) is, and you must already be familiar with using reusable nappies to borrow this kit

You will then be allocated to a branch waiting list. Waiting lists are allocated on a first come first serve basis in order of the time of booking

During the loan

Once you have reached the top of the waiting list, a volunteer will message you to arrange a time for the loan. Loans must be done at a time and place to suit our volunteers, so it will involve travelling to a place of the volunteer’s choosing. A loan takes up to an hour, and your volunteer will run through the following:

Then you will take away a bagful of everything needed to trial reusable nappies full time!

Your volunteer will be available to answer any questions you may have during your loan (please do be mindful that we all have jobs and families so will not be able to respond immediately)

After the loan

Once the loan period is up, your volunteer will arrange for you to return the kit, which must be washed and dried before return. Volunteers will check off the items and will ask for any missing items to be returned. Please ensure that you return ALL items, as delay in doing so affects the next person on the waiting list. A full laminated list of what is in each nappy kit is attached to the kit bag

We do not charge for our services; we are very grateful if you choose to donate though, as this helps us to fund new kits and replace old nappies. If you wish to donate, our PayPal address is
Please write DONATION in the Notes section